Please note that the account name must not already be in use for a ComReg profile. Note that the email address must not already be registered under a ComReg profile.
A person means:
A) An individual creating an account on their own behalf or B) Sole Traders, Trading or Business Names: such business organisations should be recorded in the name of the person who runs or owns the business i.e. John Smith, and enter a Trading name in the 'Trading Name' field if appropiate.
A company:
Is a legal form of business organisation. It is separate legal entity and disctinct from those who run it. It should have the following after the name LTD, DAC, CLG, PLC as designated by the Irish Companies Registration Office. Companies registered outside of Ireland should indicate their company registration type applicable to their country. The associated company registration number should be entered in the field 'company registration number'.
* Note that we will notify all contacts of their inclusion on your profile so please have their permission first.